Will & Codicil of John HANSLIP of Lakeheath 1783 & 1784
by Avril - 26th May 2000.
Note: Although this will is predominately for Suffolk there are
many Cambridgeshire surnames also mentioned here!!!
In the name of God Amen I John Hanslip of Lakenheath in the County of Suffolk gentleman, being in perfect health and of sound memory and understanding praised be God, and considering the uncertainty of this transitory life, do make publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner following that is to say first:
I give and devise unto my loving sister Elizabeth Norman, widow, all that freehold messuage or tenement, with the pightle adjoining to the said messuage in Wild Street in Mildenhall in the said County for and during the term of her nature life, and then and after the decease of my said sister Elizabeth Norman, I give and devise the said messuage and pightle I bought of Mr. John Cook. Also I give and devise all those three acres and two roods of arable land, and also fifteen acres more or less of fenn ground or marsh land, which I bought of John Cooper otherwise Robinson, and also three roods of arable land lately of my nephew Robert Hanslip, now in the occupation of Isaac Wing and John Trumble lying in Mildenhall in the said county, until my niece Sarah Morley wife of Thomas Morley of Lakenheath labourer, for the term of her natural life, and after he decease to be sold by her brother Francis Norman or her heirs executors or administrators, and to be equally divided to her children share and share alike, to those children that shall be living at her decease and I do will order and direct, that my said Executors shall pay and discharge, and pay all such fines and fees as shall be set and become due and payable for the admission of the said Sarah Morley to the copyhold lands herein devised to her as aforesaid.
Also I give and devise fifteen acres more or less copyhold arable land now in occupation of Henry Coates, and also eight acres more or less copyhold arable land now in occupation of Mr. James Cook, and also two freehold fenn dolvers which I bought of Francis Fuller deceased, lying in Mildenhall in the said county unto my nephew William Long son of William Long of Brinkley in the County of Cambridge grocer and his heirs for ever. I do will and order and direct, that my said Executor shall pay and discharge and pay all such fines and fees as shall be set and become due and payable for the admission of my said nephew William Long to the copyhold arable lands he and they paying thereout unto my said sister Elizabeth Norman and her assigns, the sum of ten pounds of lawful money of Great Britain yearly and every year the term of her natural life, upon Michaelmas day and Lady day in every year by even and equal portions without any deductions or abatement whatsoever; the first payment of the said ten pounds to be made on the first of the said days which shall happen next after my decease.
Also I give and devise all the messuages lands and tenements lately the estate of Mr. George Godfreys in Wild Street in Mildenhall in the County of Suffolk, also five acres one rood more or less freehold arable land which I bought of Mr. John Cook in Mildenhall, unto my nephew Joseph Long son of William Long of Brinkley in the County of Cambridge and his heirs forever. And I do will, order and direct that my said Executors shall pay and discharge, and pay all such fines and fees as shall be set and become due and payable for the admission of my said nephew Joseph Long he and they paying thereout unto my said sister Elizabeth Norman and her assigns the sum of ten pounds of lawful money of Great Britain yearly and every year during the term of her natural life upon Michaelmas day and Lady day in every year by even and equal portions without any deductions or abatement whatsoever the first payment of the said sun of ten pounds to be made on the first of the said days which shall happen next after my decease and I do charge the last above mentioned premises with the payment thereof as aforesaid and further that he the said Joseph Long and his heirs shall also out of the rents and profits of such part of the said messuages lands and tenements in Mildenhall aforesaid, late of Mr. George Godfreys the annuity or yearly charge of six pounds free from all deductions whatsoever to the poor of the parish of Lakenheath aforesaid according to the deed of grant thereof made by me on about the third day of September which was in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty two.
Also I give and devise all the freehold and copyhold arable land and also all freehold and copyhold pasture grounds and fenn or marsh grounds in Mildenhall in the county of Suffolk I bought of Francis Fuller 1782 unto my niece Elizabeth Long daughter of William Long of Brinkley in the County of Cambridge and to her heirs forever now in the occupation of James Pearman and I do will order and direct that my said Executors shall pay and discharge and pay all such fines and fees upon the copyhold arable land pasture grounds and fenn or marsh grounds as shall be set and become due and payable for the admission of my said niece Elizabeth Long.
Also I give and devise all those forty three acres more or less of free and copyhold arable land which I lately bought of the Executors of Robert Pearson deceased now in the occupation of Thomas Hills, also two acres of freehold arable land now in the occupation of John Trumble also two acres of freehold arable land now in occupation of John Ellington senior also all that freehold messuage or tenement in the Mill Street in Mildenhall late my nephew Robert Hanslip unto my niece Tabitha Long daughter of William Long of Brinkley in the County of Cambridge and to her heirs for ever and I do will, order, and direct that my said Executors shall pay and discharge and pay all such fines and fees upon the copyhold arable land as shall be set and become due and payable for the admission of my said niece Tabitha Long.
Also I give and devise all and every the messuages lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever situate lying and being in Lakenheath in the County of Suffolk unto my nephew Hanslip Long son of William Long of Brinkley in the County of Cambridge and to his heirs for ever and I do order and direct that my said executors shall pay and discharge and pay all such fines and fees as shall be set and become due and payable for the admission of my said nephew Hanslip Long he and they paying thereout unto my sister Elizabeth Norman and her assigns the sum of twenty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain yearly and every year during the term of her natural life upon Michaelmas day and Lady in every year by even and equal portions without any deductions or abatement whatsoever the first payment thereof to be made on the first of the said days which shall happen next after my decease and I do charge the last abovementioned premises with the payment of the said sum of twenty pounds as aforesaid I do also charge such part of the fenn founds or marsh grounds in Lakenheath as aforesaid lately purchased by me of Mr. Thomas Sturgeon with the payment of the sum of four pounds of like lawful money unto Isaac Newby son of Harry and Sarah Newby of Lakenheath aforesaid yearly and every year during the term of his natural life upon Michaelmas day and Lady day in every year by even and equal portions without any deduction or abatement whatsoever the first payment thereof to be made on the first of the said days which shall happen next after my decease and my mind and will is and I do hereby order and direct that in case default shall happen to be made of or in payment of any of the sum of money abovementioned and charged upon the respective real estates devised by me as aforesaid or any part of them by the space of twenty days after any of the said days on which the same ought respectively to be paid as aforesaid it shall and may be lawful to and for the said respective annuitants and her or his assigns into the estate and premises charged with her or his annuity as aforesaid and so in arrear and unpaid or into any part thereof respectively to enter and the same to hold and the rents and profits to receive to her his or their own proper use and uses until the said sum or sums so remaining in arrears and unpaid shall be fully paid and satisfied together with their reasonable costs and charges which they respectively shall or may be put unto for or by reason of their recovering the same as aforesaid.
Also I do order and direct that my said Executors shall pay one hundred pounds to put out my nephew Hanslip Long apprentice to such a trade as he and his father William Long shall think proper at about the age of fourteen years.
Also I give and devise all that my messuages with other the dwellings and appurtenances thereunto belonging situate and being in Brandon in the said County of Suffolk known by the name or sign of the Five Bells unto my nephew William Edwards son of William and Mary Edwards of Brandon aforesaid and his heirs for ever he and they paying thereout unto every one of his brothers and sisters five pounds each at their respective age or ages of twenty one years.
Also I give and devise all that piece of freehold arable land containing by estimation two acres more or less lying and being in West Row field in Mildenhall in the County of Suffolk buttle and boundry Quakers Road North, Framhill Road South, Common Near East and West now in the occupation of John Thrumble at the yearly rent of thirty five shillings per year with the appurtenances unto the Minister and Churchwardens of the Parish of Lakenheath aforesaid for the time being and their successors the Minister and Churchwardens of Lakenheath aforesaid for the time being for ever upon condition nevertheless and my will, mind and desire is that they the said Minister and Churchwardens of Lakenheath aforesaid and their successors for the time being do and shall clean once in ten years at least, and keep in good repair and condition at all times for ever after my decease the following grave stones in the churchyard of Lakenheath aforesaid (that is to say) my father John Hanslip, my uncle Robert Hanslip, my cousin Thomas Hanslip, and my cousin Robert Hanslip, my brother Robert Hanslip, and his child, my sister Ursula Hanslip, Mr. James Howlett, Mrs. Elizabeth Howlett, my nephew Robert Hanslip, Frances Hanslip, my cousin Hannah Fox, my sister in law Susanna Johnson, my wife Sarah Hanslip, and my own grave stones to be erected after my decease, and as often as such grave stones or any of them shall be broken, decayed or destroyed shall cause new grave stones of the quality and form to be made erected and set up in the place and stead of such stones as shall be broken decayed or destroyed as aforesaid.
Also I give and bequeath to eleven children now living of my said sister Elizabeth Norman the sum of two hundred pounds apiece within nine months after my decease, Francis and Sarah son and daughter of my sister Elizabeth Norman not to be any of the above eleven children.
Also I give and bequeath unto Francis Norman son of my sister Elizabeth Norman one hundred pounds within nine months after my decease.
Also I give and bequeath unto every son and daughter of my cousin Robert Kitchener senior of Lakenheath deceased twenty pounds apiece within nine months after my decease.
Also I do give and bequeath unto my cousin Hannah Burroughs widow of Snailwell in the County of Cambridge fifty pounds within nine months after my decease.
Also I give and bequeath unto my cousin Ursula Arnold of Lakenheath twenty pounds within nine months after my decease.
Also I give and bequeath unto Miss Ann Clements daughter of Mr. Robert Clements of Mildenhall deceased fifty pounds within nine months after my decease.
Also I do give and bequeath unto Mr. William Long of Brinkley one hundred and fifty pounds which he owes upon note of hand.
Also I do give and bequeath unto the Revd. Mr. Hayward Curate of Lakenheath ten guineas three months after my decease upon condition he be Curate at Lakenheath at my death and no otherwise.
Also I do give and bequeath unto Nathan Booty of Wilton in the County of Norfolk farmer fifty pounds in part of the principal money he owes me upon bond.
Also I do give and bequeath unto Simeon, Mary, Stuart and John Tunnell sons of Thomas Tunnell of Lakenheath ten pounds apiece within nine months after my decease.
Also I do give and bequeath unto my sister Elizabeth Norman the sum of fifty pounds within three months after my decease and also all my household goods and household linen and plate and china which shall be standing and being in my dwelling house at the time of my decease.
I do give to my said Executors herein after named for their trouble in Executing my said will one hundred pounds apiece.
Also I do give unto the servant maid who shall be living with me at my decease ten pounds to be paid her immediately after my decease.
Also I do will order and direct that my said Executors shall and do within one month after my decease distribute and pay amongst one hundred poor families living in and belonging to the parish of Lakenheath aforesaid the sum of five shillings to each family.
Also I do give all my wearing apparel also my two large bibles common prayer book and all other good books unto my nephew John Norman of Barton Mills warrener after my decease.
Also I do give unto my nephew William Long son of William Long of Brinkley my watch after my decease.
I do order and direct my said Executors as soon as they can to have two grave stones set up at my grave to the value of three guineas and to be made by Francis Snare of Brandon.
And all the rest and residue of my real and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever not by me herein before disposed of, and after payment of the several legacys above mentioned, my funeral charges and charges of probate of this my will, I give devise and bequeath unto William, Hanslip, Joseph, Elizabeth and Tabitha Long sons and daughters of William Long of Brinkley in the County of Cambridge share and share alike, as they shall arrive at the age or ages of twenty two years.
And lastly I do make and appoint the Revd. Mr. John Barnes of Lakenheath, James Cook of Beck Row in Mildenhall in the County of Suffolk gentleman, and my nephew Francis Norman of Wilton in the County of Norfolk farmer, and their heirs, executors, and or administrators sole Executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former will and wills by me made.
In witness whereof I the said John Hanslip have to this last will and testament contained in four sheets of paper affixed together at the top to the first second and third sheets thereof set my hand; and to this last sheet set my hand and seal this nineteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty three, and in the twenty third year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King defender of the faith etc.
John Hanslip
Witnesses: Thomas Tunnell, Thomas Mortlock, Matthew Taylor
Codicil to my last will and testament made on or about the nineteenth day of March 1783.
In do give and bequeath unto my nephew William Edwards son of William and Mary Edwards of Brandon in the County of Suffolk, one hundred pounds of good and lawful money nine months after my decease.
I give and bequeath one hundred pounds to put my nephew Joseph Long son of Mr. William Long of Brinkley to such a trade as he shall like best at the age of fourteen years.
Also I give and bequeath unto every son and daughter of Mr. William Long six pounds each to buy them mourning at my death.
Also I give to Mr. William Long the note of hand for two hundred and forty pounds I paid to Mr. John Mallow.
In witness whereof I the said John Hanslip have to this codicil contained in half a sheet of paper affixed to my last will and testament set my hand and seal this 24 August 1784.
Witnesses: Thomas Mortlock, William Gathercole, Sarah Mortlock
This Ancestor description was written by Avril. If you have any information about John Hanslip or other HANSLIP's, or would like to add or ask about any other person quoted here then please contact Avril email: