Thomas Moore of Isleham
(and some of his family) - a short memoir by Geoffrey Woollard.

Much of the current knowledge of this eighteenth century worthy of Isleham, Cambridgeshire is derived from his Will, which was made in October 1796 and proved in November 1799. It reads as follows:

This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas Moore of Isleham in the County of Cambridge Gentleman in manner and form following that is to say Whereas by articles of agreement made upon my marriage with Ann my wife and dated the twenty third day of November one thousand seven hundred and ninety I have Covenanted and agreed that in case of my death in her life time my Heirs Executors and Administrators or some of them shall during the natural life of my said wife pay and satisfy her Executors Administrators or Assigns one annuity or clear yearly sum of twenty pounds by two even and equal half yearly payments to be computed from the day of my death without any deduction or abatement out of the same which said annuity is thereby agreed to be in full recompense and satisfaction of dower and it is in and by the said articles of agreement set forth that my said wife was then possessed of the sum of three hundred pounds which said sum it was thereby agreed should be placed or continued out at Interest on sufficient Security and the Interest thereof from time to time be received by me during the joint lives of myself and my said wife and by the survivor during his or her natural life and after the decease of the survivor Then that the said sum of three hundred pounds and all Interest due thereon should be paid to such person and in such manner as my said wife should in and by her last Will or otherwise direct or appoint and in Default of such direction or appointment unto John Fuller her Son his Executors administrators or assigns as in and by the said articles of agreement will on reference thereto appear and whereas the said sum of three hundred pounds was then out at Interest upon a mortgage of the Estate of Robert Richardson of Burwell in the said County Miller lying and being at Burwell upon which Security the same now remains and whereas I have since my marriage lent and advanced the sum of Sixty pounds upon an additional mortgage of the same Estate Now I do hereby give and bequeath unto my said wife and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life the annual sum or yearly rent Charge of twenty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain free of Taxes and all other deductions parliamentary or otherwise to commence from the day of my death to be Assigned and payable out of all and every my arable Lands lying and being in the several Fields and Bounds of Isleham aforesaid Fordham in the said County and Freckenham in the County of Suffolk which are now in the occupation of my Son in Law John Fuller and which contain together fifty three acres and one rood or thereabouts being Copyhold also out of all those my Fifteen acres of pasture fen or arable ground lying in West Fen in Isleham aforesaid being part freehold and part Copyhold and also out of all those my Ten acres of pasture Fen or marsh Ground in the same Fen abutting on the Gammon Drove East called Coots Ground being part freehold and part Copyhold all which Copyhold premises I have duly surrendered to the use of my Will and to be paid and payable by equal half yearly payments at the two most usual Feasts or Days of payment in the year that is to say the Feast of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Michael the Archangel the first payment thereof to be made on such of the same Feasts as shall first and next happen after my decease and my Will is that if it shall happen that any half yearly payment of the said annual sum or yearly rent charge of twenty pounds or any part thereof shall at any time or times be behind or unpaid for the space of twenty days after either of the said days of payment whereon the same ought to be paid as aforesaid That then and from thenceforth and so often it shall and may be lawful to and for my said wife and her assigns from time to time and at any time or times unto and upon the said Lands Hereditaments and premises hereinbefore mentioned and hereby charged with the said annual Sum or yearly rent charge and into and upon any or any part or parcel thereof in the charge of the whole to enter and Distrain and take Distress and Distresses then and there found to take and Drive carry away and impound and in the pound to detain and keep or otherwise to dispose of as in cases of rent reserved on Common until thereby or therewith or otherwise such and so much of the said annual sum or yearly rent charge as shall be so unpaid as aforesaid and all arrears thereof (if any) and all Costs Charges and Expenses attending such Entry and the taking such Distresses or any of them as aforesaid shall be fully paid and satisfied and my Will is that the said annual sum or yearly rent charge of twenty pounds hereinbefore given to my said wife shall be taken and accepted her in lieu of the said annuity or yearly sum of twenty pounds covenanted to be paid to her in and by the said articles of agreement and in full satisfaction and discharge of and for the same covenant and that she shall and do within two months after my decease give my Executors hereinafter named a sufficient release and discharge of and for the said annuity or yearly sum of twenty pounds covenanted to be paid by the said articles of agreement and of and from the said Covenant for payment thereof such release to be prepared at the expense of my Estate and as and for and concerning the said arable Lands pasture fen or arable Grounds Hereditaments and premises hereinbefore mentioned charges and chargeable with the said annual sum or yearly rent charge of twenty pounds to my said wife and subject thereto and to the means and remedy given and provided for the securing and receiving the same I give and devise the same unto and to the use of my said Son in Law John Fuller and Mary his Wife my Daughter and during the Term of their natural lives and of the survivor during the life of such survivor with remainder to the Right heirs of such survivor for ever and as and for and concerning all such and so much money as shall be out and owing to and from the said Robert Richardson at the time of my decease over and above the said sum of three hundred pounds out and advanced to him by my said wife previous to our marriage upon mortgage as aforesaid which according to the Intent and meaning of the said articles of agreement my wife is to have the disposition of I direct the same shall go with the residue of my personal Estate Also I give and devise unto my said wife all that Messuage or Tenement wherein I now live with the Yard Barn Stable Outhouses Buildings and appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining or held or enjoyed therewith To hold to her my said wife and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life she keeping the same premises in good and sufficient repair and from and immediately after her decease I give and devise the same Messuage and premises unto and to the use of my said Son in Law John Fuller and his Heirs during the natural life of my Daughter Alice the wife of Robert Palmer upon the Trusts and for the intents and purposes following that is to say upon Trust to permit and suffer my said Daughter Alice to live and reside in the said Messuage if she shall think proper so to do and have the use of the Barn Stable Outhouses and appurtenances thereunto belonging but if my said Daughter shall not think proper to live in the said Messuage or living therein shall not choose to make use of all the premises Then upon Trust and to the intent and purpose that the said John Fuller or his Heirs do and shall let the said Messuage and premises or such part thereof as shall not be used as aforesaid from year to year during the life of my said Daughter for the best rent that can be gotten for the same and pay the rents Issues and profits thereof from time to time as the same shall become due and be received after deductions thereout the expenses of the necessary repairs into the proper hands of my said Daughter for separate and peculiar use To the intent that the same not be at the disposal of or subject or liable to the Debts Control or Engagements of her present or any after other husband but only at her sole and separate disposal and from and after the decease of my said Daughter Alice I give and devise the same Messuage and premises unto and to the use of my Grandson Thomas Moore Fuller his heirs and assigns for ever next I give and bequeath unto my said wife the use of all my plate Linen Household Stuff Utensills and Implements whatsoever in and about my said Messuage wherein I now dwell for and during the Term of her natural life and from and immediately after her decease I give and bequeath the use of the same unto my said Daughter Alice for and during the Term of her natural life and from and immediately after her decease I give and bequeath my said plate Linen Household Stuff Utensils and Implements unto my said Grandson Thomas Moore Fuller to whom I have devised my said Messuage and premises after the decease of my said Daughter for his own use and benefit and my will and mind is that my said wife do and shall within three calendar months after my decease deliver to my Executors hereinafter named a true and particular Inventory and account in writing by her of all my said plate Linen Household Stuff Utensils and Implements which are to be taken care of and preserved by my said wife and Daughter respectively the reasonable wear thereof only excepted Also I give and bequeath unto the said John Fuller and to his heirs and assigns during the joint natural lives of my said Daughter Alice and Joseph Canham of Kirtling in the said County of Cambridge Farmer of whom I purchased the Hereditaments next hereinafter mentioned one annual sum or yearly rent charge of Ten pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to be Issuing a payable out of all and every my Messuages or Tenements Cottages Farm Lands and Hereditaments situate lying and being in Kirtling aforesaid which are now subject to a rent charge of forty pounds a year payable to the said Joseph Canha m for life being part Freehold and part Copyhold (the Copyhold parts whereof I have only surrendered to the use of my Will) and to be paid and payable to the said John Fuller his Heirs or Assigns free and clear of and from all Taxes charges and deductions whatsoever on the two most usual Feasts or days of payment in the year that is to say the Feast of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Michael the Archangel by even and equal portions the first payment to begin and be made on such of the said Feasts as shall first and next happen after my decease upon the Trusts Nevertheless hereinafter mentioned and in case my said Daughter Alice shall survive and outlive the said Joseph Canham then from and immediately after his decease I give and bequeath unto the said John Fuller his Heirs and assigns during the remainder of the natural life of my said Daughter Alice one annual Sum or yearly rent charge of thirty pounds of like money to be Issuing and payable out of all and singular the said Messuages Cottages Farm Lands and premises at Kirtling aforesaid and to be paid and payable to the said John Fuller his Heirs or assigns at or on such Feasts or days of payment without any deduction or abatement for or in respect of any Taxes or otherwise as aforesaid and in such manner as the said annual sum or yearly rent charge of Ten pounds is limited or appointed to be paid as aforesaid and to be in lieu thereof the first half yearly payment of the said annual sum or yearly rent charge of thirty pounds to be made to the said John Fuller his Heirs or assigns on such of the said half yearly days of payment as shall first and next happen after the decease of the said Joseph Canham upon Trust Nevertheless that he the said John Fuller his Heirs and assigns do and shall pay apply and dispose of such of the said annual Sums or yearly rent Charges of Ten pounds and Thirty pounds so given to the said John Fuller his Heirs and assigns as shall for the time being be and become payable as and when the same shall become due and be received into the proper hands of my said Daughter Alice or to such person or persons and for such intents and purposes as she by any order or writing under her hand shall from time to time Notwithstanding her Coverture Direct or appoint whose receipt under her or their respective hands shall from time to time Notwithstanding her Coverture be sufficient Discharges to my said Trustee for the same or so much thereof for which such receipts shall be given the same being designed by me for her separate use and benefit and to be at her own disposal and not to be subject or liable to the Debts power control or Engagements of her present or any future husband and I do hereby give unto the said John Fuller his Heirs and assigns the same power and remedy for recovering and entering such of the said annual Sums or yearly rent charges of Ten pounds and thirty pounds as for the time being shall become Due and payable to him as I have hereinbefore given to my said wife for recovering the said annual Sum or yearly rent charge of twenty pounds hereinbefore given to her To the intent that thereby my said Trustee his Heirs or assigns shall and may be fully paid and satisfied such of the said annual Sums or yearly rent charges of Ten pounds and thirty pounds as shall respectively become payable and every part thereof and all Costs and Charges attending the recovery thereof provided and my will is that in case my said Daughter Alice shall live in my said Messuage and have the use of all the premises thereunto belonging and (fails?) to repair the same it shall be lawful for the said John Fuller his Heirs or assigns as often as need or occasion shall require to do the reparations of the said premises and deduct the Expense thereof from time to time out of such of the said annual Sums or yearly rent charges as shall respectively become payable and as for and concerning the said Messuages Cottages Farm Lands Hereditaments and premises at Kirtling aforesaid from and immediately after my decease Charged and chargeable with the said annual Sums or yearly rent charges of Ten pounds and thirty pounds to the said John Fuller his Heirs and assigns upon the Trusts aforesaid and subject thereto and to the means and remedies hereinbefore provided for the recovery thereof and subject to the rent charge of forty pounds payable to the said Joseph Canham I give and devise the same unto and to the use of my Son in Law William Bulbrook of Kirtling aforesaid Farmer and Martha his wife my Daughter for and during the term of their natural lives and the life of the longer liver of them two and after the decease of the survivor I give and devise the same unto and to the use of my Grandsons Thomas Norman and John Fuller their Heirs and assigns for ever as Tenants in Common and not as Joint Tenants Also I give and devise unto my said Grandson Thomas Norman and to his Heirs all those my two Freehold Closes of pasture Land lying and being at a certain place called Clipsall in the parish of Fordham aforesaid To hold to him his Heirs and assigns for ever Also I give and devise unto my said Grandson John Fuller and to his Heirs all those my Fifteen acres of Freehold pasture Fen or Marsh Ground lying in a certain place in Isleham aforesaid called the two Coats To hold to him his Heirs and assigns for ever Also I give and devise unto my Grand Daughter Martha Fuller and to her Heirs all that my Close of Freehold pasture Land lying at a certain place called in Isleham aforesaid containing by estimation three acres the Lands of Squire Bullar being on both sides thereof To hold to her Heirs and Assigns for ever Also I give and bequeath to my said Grandson Thomas Norman the Sum of one hundred pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid to him by my Executors hereinafter named or the Survivor of them his Executors or administrators within twelve calendar months after my decease Also I give and bequeath unto my aforesaid Grandson Thomas Moore Fuller my Grandson Robert Fuller and my Grand Daughters Mary Fuller and Sarah Fuller the Sums of two hundred pounds a piece of like Money to be paid to them respectively by my said Executors or the Survivor of them his Executors or administrators as and when they shall severally attain their respective ages of twenty one years Also I give and bequeath unto my said Grand Daughter Martha Fuller the Sum of one hundred pounds of like lawful money to be paid to her by my said Executors or the Survivor of them his Executors or administrators at her age of twenty one years and in the mean time and until the said Legacies to my said Grandsons Thomas Moore Fuller and Robert Fuller and my said Grand Daughters Mary Fuller Sarah Fuller and Martha Fuller shall respectively become due and payable by virtue of this my Will I do hereby order and direct that my said Executors or the Survivor of them his Executors and administrators do and shall put and place out the same at Interest upon real or government Securities in their or his name or names and that the Interest Dividends and annual produce thereof from time to time as and when the same shall become due and be paid to or received by my said Son in Law John Fuller his Executors or administrators for and towards the support maintenance and education of my said Grandsons Thomas Moore Fuller and Robert Fuller and my said Grand Daughters Mary Fuller Sarah Fuller and Martha Fuller until they severally attain their respective ages of twenty one years And as and for and concerning all the rest residue and remainder of my Monies Securities for Money Goods Chattels and personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature kind or quality soever the same may be which at the time of my decease I shall be possessed of interested in or in any respect entitled unto and not otherwise by this my Will given and disposed of as aforesaid after and subject to the payment of my just Debts funeral Expenses the probate of this my Will and the aforesaid Legacies I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto my said Sons in Law John Fuller and William Bulbrook equally to be divided between them share and share alike and I do hereby nominate ordain and appoint them my said Sons in Law Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking disannulling and making void all former and other Will or Wills by me at any time heretofore made and I do declare this only to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said Thomas Moore the Testator have to the five first sheets of this my last Will and Testament contained in six sheets of paper set my hand and to the last sheet hereof my set my hand and Seal this twenty ninth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety six
Thos. Moore (Seal) Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Thomas Moore the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto Crawford Dickins of Isleham Robt. Pierson - Fuller Goldsbrow of Soham -

This Will was proved at London the second day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine before the Right Honorable Sir WilliamWynn Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oaths of John Fuller and William Bulbrook the Executors named in the said Will to whom administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased having been first sworn by Commission only to administer.

From the Will and other sources, we learn that Thomas Moore's first wife, Martha (possibly nee Davy) preceded him in death in 1789. It appears that Thomas later married Ann Fuller (nee ?) the widowed mother of his son-in-law John Fuller, the husband of Thomas's daughter Mary. When Thomas's will was made in 1796, he provided for his wife during her lifetime and appointed John Fuller and William Bulbrook, another living son-in-law who married Martha Moore in 1786, as executors.

Thomas Moore had extensive property interests and financial assets which included: a mortgage (that seems to have been Ann Fuller's when she remarried) over the estate of Robert Richardson of Burwell, Miller; arable lands in Isleham and Freckenham (Suffolk), then occupied by his son-in-law John Fuller; two lots of ground in West Fen, Isleham; a 'messuage' (where Thomas lived), yard, barn, stable, outhouses, buildings, etc. in Isleham (given to the use of Alice, Thomas's daughter, who had married first Francis Norman [by whom she had two sons, Francis and Thomas] and second Robert Palmer, and then to Thomas Moore Fuller, one of Thomas Moore's grandsons); plate, linen, household 'stuff', utensils and implements (also given to the use of Alice and then to Thomas Moore Fuller); a 'messuage', tenements, cottages, lands, etc. at Kirtling (left to John Fuller and William Bulbrook and then to John Fuller [junr.] and Thomas Norman, two more grandsons); two 'closes' at Clipsall, Fordham; pasture, fen or marsh ground at Two Coats, Isleham; another piece of pasture ('the land of Squire Bullar being on both sides thereof') at Isleham; and several hundred pounds in total as given to his grandchildren, Thomas Moore Fuller, Robert Fuller, Mary Fuller, Sarah Fuller, Martha Fuller, and Thomas Norman, as well as the 'rest, residue and remainder' of his estate.

Thomas Moore died and was buried in June 1799 at the age of 78 and his Will was proved in London on the 2nd of November 1799.

(Thomas Moore and his wife, Martha, were my wife's great, great, great, great, great, great grandparents).

The Isleham, Cambridgeshire, Burial Register shows that Alice Palmer (who was born Alice Moore), married firstly Francis Norman, and secondly Robert Palmer, and was aged 63 when she died. She is buried with her first husband in the Churchyard at Isleham.

The marriage of Francis Norman and Alice Moore, 'both of this parish', was solemnised at St. Andrew's Church, Isleham, Cambridgeshire, on the 16th of February 1775, and witnessed by John Norman and J. Sharpe, junior.

And, according to the Marriage Register of St. Andrew's Church, Isleham, John Fuller, who married Mary Moore on the 7th of October 1785, was of Long Melford, Suffolk. The witnesses to the marriage were Thomas Moore and John Fuller.

Also, the marriage of William Bulbrook, of Dullingham, Cambridgeshire, and Martha Moore, took place at St. Andrew's Church, Isleham, on the 27th July 1786, and was witnessed by Thomas Moore and John Fuller.

It appears that Francis and Alice (nee Moore) Norman did not have either (or any) of their children baptised as infants. Their son Thomas (1775 - 1838) was baptised at Kirtling, Cambridgeshire, at the age of 25, and their other son Francis (1778 - 1794) has no record except those of burial, grave stone, and monumental inscription.

(Francis Norman and his wife, Alice [nee Moore], were my wife's great, great, great, great, great grandparents).

Thomas Norman married and moved to Kirtling, and in the Election of Three Knights of the Shire for the County of Cambridge, taken at Cambridge, Royston, Newmarket, Ely, Wisbech and Whittlesea on Tuesday, the 18th, and Wednesday, the 19th Days of December, 1832, with Thomas Page, Esq., as Sherriff, the Candidates were Henry John Adeane, Esq., Richard Greaves Townley, Esq., Charles Philip Yorke, Esq., and John Walbanke Childers, Esq., and Thomas Norman, qualified at Kirtling, voted for Adeane and Yorke (Cambridgeshire Poll Book 1832).

Thomas Norman was High Constable of the Hundred of Cheveley. Apparently, this meant that he was responsible for the running and good order of the Cheveley Hundred. The post was abolished in 1869.

Thomas Norman's Grave Stone in Kirtling Churchyard is inscribed thus: 'Thomas Norman, 14 Years High Constable of the Hundred of Cheveley in this County, died 31st December 1838, aged 63 years'.

The Land Tax Records of 1829 at Cambridge show that Thomas Norman paid tax of �18-6-8 on land at Kirtling of which he was the owner and of which the rental value was �100-0-0. He also owned other land at Kirtling rented by Francis Norman and the tax on that was �0-15-0. The latter property's rental value was �9-0-0. Thomas Norman paid further tax of �1-0-0 on land at Kirtling, the rental value of which was �12-0-0 and the owner the Revd. Pitt Largell.

(Thomas Norman and his wife, Martha [nee Dobito] were my wife's great, great, great, great grandparents).

The witnesses to the marriage of Thomas Moore Fuller and Hannah Norman were Martha Fuller and John Fyson.

In the Election of Three Knights of the Shire for the County of Cambridge, taken at Cambridge, Royston, Newmarket, Ely, Wisbech and Whittlesea on Tuesday, the 18th, and Wednesday, the 19th Days of December, 1832, with Thomas Page, Esq., as Sherriff, the Candidates were Henry John Adeane, Esq., Richard Greaves Townley, Esq., Charles Philip Yorke, Esq., and John Walbanke Childers, Esq., and Thomas Moore Fuller, qualified at Isleham, voted for Yorke (Cambridgeshire Poll Book 1832).

Thomas Moore Fuller is buried at Isleham, Cambridgeshire, and the transcribed monumental inscription reads: 'Thomas Moore Fuller Gent. Died 26th January 1844 aged 34(?)(It should read aged 54).

If anyone knows any more about Mr Moore and/or those of his abovementioned family, I should be very pleased to hear more!


This information was kindly supplied by Geoffrey Woollard. If you have any information about this will please contact Geoffrey Woollard email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.