Newspaper Cutting (Newmarket Journal) 3rd February 1883:
(Editorial) �The wedding of the popular jockey, Mr Fred Archer, with Miss Nellie Dawson, the daughter of the popular trainer, Mr John Dawson, has been familiar as household words in the mouths of the inhabitants, great (in stature or social position) or small, of Newmarket and the vicinity for weeks past, and during the last few days has reigned supreme, the one all-absorbing topic of interest, consigning ordinary subjects to the Limbo of the uninteresting and forgotten. Wednesday saw the continuation of concern and excitement, the long-expected nuptial ceremony being performed with almost princely honours in the morning and the happy event made the subject of much rejoicing and jollification throughout the afternoon and evening. "Happy is the bride whom the sun shines on," the treasured proverb promises, and if there be any virtue in the portent, blessed indeed was the bride on Wednesday, for a continued burst of sunshine followed a cloudy night, and a genial, frosty morning gave to the occasion all the natural elements of felicitous success that could have been desired. Without All Saints� Church, long before the appointed hour of the ceremonial, an imposing testimony to the extraordinary nature of public interest in the wedding, gradually growing in intensity up to the arrival of the bridal party, was given; and within the sacred edifice demonstration of equally engrossing concern was made by the fortunate ticket-holders, who awaited, in eager expectancy, the arrival of the bride, and subsequently followed the impressive choral service with marked attention. The bride�s and bridesmaids� dresses and the galaxy of fashionable costumes worn by the relatives of the bride and bridegroom, who occupied the chancel seats, were the admired of all beholders, and added a rich lustre to the appearance of the fine new Church, and with which the still remaining decorations for the Christmas festival not unpleasantly contrasted. The departure of the newly-married couple from the Church was signalled with the customary showers of rice, tokens of the blessings their well-wishers would have showered upon them in their future life, and loud cheers from the assembled crowd followed wedding equipage as it passed from the Church to the residence of the bride�s father at Warren House, where the wedding breakfast was provided on a scale no less magnificent than the other attendances of the eventful day�s proceedings. What would have been a remarkable and memorable celebration of the wedding, - we refer to the roasting of the prize bullock on "the Severals," - was unfortunately marred by one or two deplorable occurrences, for which numerous excuses, more or less feasible, have been given. The novel commemoration was not, however, altogether shorn of its attractiveness, and the rude shock to its progress did not occur before a portion of the programme had been carried out and a fair quota of the lucky ticket-holders had obtained their precious morsels of beef, with the accompanying loaves and pints of beer. The unqualified success of the balloon ascents and brilliant display of fireworks, however, witnessed as they were by throngs of sightseers, recompensed the management for drawbacks in other directions, and fitly concluded a day that will live in the memories of old and young residents of Newmarket and the many strangers within its gates. At the "Queen of Watering Places," beautiful Torquay, the honeymoon proper of the newly-wedded pair will be spent, ere they accept the hospitality of Continental friends. That the good wishes of Newmarket in general followed Mr and Mrs Archer on their southern journey no one who was an observer of Wednesday�s unmixed rejoicing and congratulation can question, and we shall be doing no more than our duty as a vehicle for the expression of the feelings of our constituents, when we, in figurative action, cast the lucky slipper after the happy pair and quoting the exceedingly appropriate words of the final set piece in the fireworks display, say "May they be happy." � Newspaper Cutting (Newmarket Journal) 3rd February 1883: �The Wedding Of Mr F. Archer. Newmarket will long have occasion to remember the nuptials of Mr Fred. J. Archer - whose successful career in the racing world reads to the uninitiated like the plot of a second Cinderella "fairy tale" - with the daughter of the respected trainer of Warren House, Mr John Dawson. The early echoes of Wednesday morning were disturbed by the incursion of the villagers, whose ears had been caught with the unceasing gossip at the previous day�s market, which, in common with the natural order of things in Newmarket for many a day before, had all tended in one direction and that the coming day�s wedding, "the likes of which" they never had seen nor would they, holding on the even tenour of their ways, be likely to see again. The ranks of the would be sightseers were further swelled as the morning grew by excursionists from Peterborough, Lynn, Wisbech, Ipswich, Thetford, Bury, Haverhill, St. Ives, and Cambridge, and from Doncaster, Lincoln, Spalding, and intermittent stations, not a few hailing even from the Metropolis itself. A bright, cheering, frosty morning pleasantly disappointed the weather-wise who had presumed to gauge from the continued unsettled condition of the elements the preceding day and night, that "Queen�s weather," not a necessary feature for a wedding certainly, but which greatly enhances the auspiciousness of the occasion, as Wednesday�s proceedings proved, would be denied the anxiously awaited event. The Wedding. Half-past eleven was the appointed hour for the ceremonial, but eager groups of ticket-holders besieged the gates of All Saints� Church, and less fortunate would-be witnesses took up their position at vantage points in the adjoining streets and at the windows of neighbouring houses long ere that time. In the presence of Superintendent Long and a staff of police from the Cambridgeshire Constabulary the Church doors were opened at ten. A crowd of ticket-holders immediately entered and a continuous stream filed into the place of worship, until at half past ten, almost all the available seating accommodation had been taken advantage of, and only the seats reserved for the immediate family connections and domestics - three servants of Warren House, dressed in peacock blue with bonnets to match, being early in attendance - remained to be filled. The rich and varied decorations of the sacred edifice, ostensibly executed for the great festival of Christmastide, had, not ungenerously, been left to grace the nuptial service; and in many eyes the pleasing appearance they lent appeared not at all out of harmony with the occasion. Mr T.J. Moakson, the organist and choirmaster of the Church, assisted by his talented pupil, Mr Bertie Martin, pleasantly wiled away the interval before the arrival of the bridal party by playing Haydn�s Grand Symphonies, 2 and 3. The entrance of the Vicar, the Rev. Thomas Romaine Govett and his curate, the Rev. Reginald J. Corke, the officiating clergymen, was accepted as a sign of the rapidly approaching commencement of the service. The clergy were almost immediately followed to the seats in the vicinity of the altar by near relatives of the bride and bridegroom, and the wedding guests. Mr and Mrs Matthew Dawson, Mr C. Archer and Mrs Archer, senr., Mr George Dawson, Mr John Dawson, junr., Mr and Mrs T.S. Dawson, Mr and Mrs John Porter, Miss Tait, Mrs Colman and Mrs C. Archer, Mr and Mrs F. Bates, Mr and Mrs Sutherland, Mr and Mrs J. Cartwright, Dr. and Mrs Wright, Messrs. Davis and Smith, Mr and Mrs Mills, Mr and Mrs Aldcroft, Mr and Mrs A. King, arrived much in the order we have named them, and during their progress up the aisle to the altar the variety of rich bridal toilettes worn by the ladies presented succeeding features of interest for the congregation, whose curiosity, now fairly aroused, encouraged an excusable lack of decorum of behaviour, the dramatist�s idea of tiptoe expectation being enacted to the letter, hassocks and even the seats being seized upon in order to secure a better view of the person and costume of each following arrival. The crowd surrounding the exterior of the Church, and which had now increased to almost incomprehensible proportions, lining, too, each side of the roadway down at the back of the Rutland Arms Hotel where the carriages of the bridal party would pass, announced to the occupants of the Church the approach of the bridegroom and his best man, Mr T. Jennings, junr. In response to the thoroughly English, hearty and prolonged cheers of the assembled multitude, Mr Archer, on stepping from the carriage, repeatedly bowed his acknowledgements. A murmur of satisfaction recognised their entrance into the Church, with the accompanying five groomsmen, Messrs. George Dawson and John A. Dawson (brothers of the bride), H.J. Newman, A. Briggs and Mr Sykes. After retiring to the vestry in company with the clergy, the bridegroom took up his position at the altar in waiting for the bride, whilst the groomsmen, standing at the foot of the altar, awaited the bridesmaids� coming. Excited whisperings and consultations of watches now followed the departure of every succeeding five minutes and as the minute hand drew dangerously near the legal limit, amongst the fairer sex, - which, by the way, largely predominated over the representative "lords of creation", whose taste, probably, lay more in the direction of the celebration upon "the Severals," - there were heard many sotto voce wonderings as to the result of a "too late" appearance. After a few hoaxings, causing hurried rushings to hassocks and seats, much enjoyed by the fair and gay spirited quid nuncs, a general hush of eager expectation betokened the unmistakable coming of the bridal party, and, leaning upon the arm of her father, Mr J. Dawson, the bride-elect, the cynosure of all eyes, passed to the vacant place in the chancel, opposite the bridegroom. The bride�s trousseau is elsewhere fully described, and it is only necessary to add here that she wore the handsome bracelet which formed Prince Batthyany�s generous gift, and the diamond horse-shoe brooch, the bridegroom�s appropriate present. The six bridesmaids, Miss Annie Bland Dawson (sister of the bride), the Misses Lillie Dawson and Florrie Bates (cousins of the bride), and the Misses Rose Saunders, Aggie Saunders and Harriet Briggs, whose dresses, elsewhere detailed, were each models of what a bridesmaid�s apparel should be, and who wore the bracelets of diamonds and pearls which formed the bridegroom�s chastely beautiful presents, closely followed the bride, took up their traditional positions at the altar, and the service was begun without further delay. The beautiful marriage service of the Established Church was very impressively rendered, the choral responses enhancing the beauty of the ceremony. The "I will" declaration of the bridegroom, "Frederick James" Archer and the bride "Nellie Rose" Dawson, were audible in all parts of the Church. After the responses and benediction, the congregation heartily joined the choir in singing an appropriate hymn selected from the "Hymnal Companion" and sung to a very familiar tune, the final exhortation was given and the husband, raising the veil from his lawful wedded wife�s face, kissed her. The organist hailed the conclusion of the service with the spirited music of Mendelssohn�s "Wedding March," and the newly-wedded pair followed the clergy into the vestry, where Miss A.B. Dawson, Messrs. Thomas S. Dawson and T. Jennings, junr., signed the register. The music for the chant and responses had been composed by Mr Moakson, and in addition to the other selections we have mentioned, the efficient organist performed Dunster�s Festival March. Amongst the splendid bouquets carried and button-holes worn at the wedding we noticed some beautiful flowers from the well-known conservatories of Messrs. C. and J. Townsend, at Fordham. The appearance of Mr and Mrs Archer at the Church doors was greeted with heavy showers of rice and loud and continuous cheers that were taken up by the long lines of spectators up at the back of the Rutland, deafening plaudits following the course of the returning bridal party. The bells of the parish churches of All Saints� and St. Mary�s rung out merry peals throughout the afternoon and evening. Congratulatory telegrams poured in from all directions up to a late hour, noblemen connected with the turf and the racing fraternity in general, who were unable to grace the ceremony with their presence, sending their best wishes to the young couple. Mr and Mrs John Dawson entertained a numerous circle of friends, including many of those present at the wedding, at a recherche breakfast at Warren House. The departure of Mr and Mrs Archer for their honeymoon, which will be spent at the charming western winter resort of Torquay, was effected without any further demonstration on the part of the populace, the special first-class carriage reserved for their use having been shunted on to the upper Newmarket siding and the ordinary four o�clock train from Newmarket to London by which they were to travel to the Metropolis en route to Torquay, being backed to it. A number of the guests at the breakfast witnessed the start of the happy pair on their wedding tour. At Cambridge Mr and Mrs Archer received an ovation of a characteristically demonstrative nature. A ball at the Rutland Arms Hotel, given by Mrs John Dawson; the entertainment of 80 stable lads employed in the training establishments of Messrs. Matthew Dawson and Charles Archer, at an excellent supper provided in Host Mayhew�s experienced style, in the long room at the back of the Waggon and Horses Hotel; and other minor festivities wound up the nuptial celebration, or that part of it with which the bridal party were more immediately concerned. The Wedding Dresses. The bridal trousseau was supplied by Messrs. Worth and Co., corseteers, 4, Hanover-street, Hanover-square, London. The name of Worth, connected as it is with the most brilliant achievements in the dress fashions of the beau monde, is sufficient guarantee of the value and nature of the dresses, which were of a most elaborate and costly description and had been produced under the careful management of the well-known designer, Mr Harry Tilbury, of continental fame. The bridal dress was of a lovely satin blondinaide, looped with rich old Venetian lace, blended with orange blossoms and sprays. The gupe, handsomely trimmed with point lace, consisted of a rich Surate silk. The beauty of the bridal wreath lay in its simplicity. The veil, a rich piece of fine art work, executed by nuns in Belgium, gave a charming effect to the tout ensemble. The bridesmaids� dresses were of rich coral Surate silk, relieved by graceful flounces of point lace, and formed tasteful and handsome examples of the dressmaker�s art. Small bonnets, the design of which added to the general excellence of the appearance of the trousseau, were worn. White Surate silk, with appropriate trimmings, was the material of the jupons. The design of the travelling dress, admirable for its newness and elegancy, had but recently been formulated by Mr Tilbury, and the dress under notice is the only one yet executed from the charming pattern, its beautiful brown Cerre silk fabric showing the design to every advantage. A more chastely handsome dress has rarely been seen in the fashionable world. Mr Tilbury was personally in attendance at the wedding and had the gratification of viewing the brilliant success of the undertaking, the arrangement of which he had been entrusted with, Mr Worth being also present. The whole appearance of the bridal trousseau, the general design and execution of which was faultlessly beautiful and highly fashionable, was the subject of many flattering encomiums, which Messrs. Worth and Co., it is needless to add, had outrivalled themselves in order to deserve. List Of Presents. The gifts to the bride were exceedingly numerous and costly, and presented a brilliant array of articles of vertu, jewellery of a lavish and ornate description, valuable paintings, handsome furniture, attractive gold, silver, and bronze ornaments in varied styles of workmanship, breakfast, dinner, and tea services, in silver, china, and Dresden china, timepieces of the most modern and original designs, skilfully-executed fancy needlework, antimacassars and cushions, books, etc., etc. Contrasting with the presents of a minute but costly nature of which the magnificent diamond, ruby, and sapphire ring, diamond pins, bracelets, and brooches, were brilliant examples, were the more substantial gifts of vehicles and steeds, the prize bullock, laying out of garden and flowers for conservatory. The service of solid silver plate of a most magnificent description, recently presented to Mr Archer by a number of noblemen and gentlemen prominently connected with the turf, and the accompanying chastely-illuminated testimonial, handsomely framed and engrossed upon vellum, was a prominent feature among the wedding souvenirs. We append a list of the donors and their presents: - The bridegroom, a magnificent diamond brooch, horse-shoe shape. Countess Baltazzi, a fan with mother of pearl handles, initials "N.A." and "A." in back and front in turquoise and pearls, the fan of Honiton lace. Mr Alexander, silver-mounted dressing bag. Colonel Forester, a richly inlaid Davenport. Lord Cawdor, massive silver letter-weight, horse and jockey. Lord Rosslyn, old oak book case and books. Hon. John Boscawen, silver and gold pepper-boxes. Prince Battthyany, magnificent gold bracelet with a pearl and diamond cluster. Viscount Falmouth, silver dinner service. Lord Aylesford, china dinner service. Count Festetic, hall clock and cigarette cabinet. Hon. A. Egerton, clock. Hon. W. Gerard, laying garden out. Lord Hastings, prize bullock from the Smithfield Cattle Show. Colonel Powell, diamond pin. E.C.C. Ker-Seymer, Esq., silver jug. C.J. Lefevre, Esq., brilliant diamond, ruby, and sapphire ring. T.E. Walker, Esq., gold-mounted scent bottle and case. Sir Henry Hawkins, old-fashioned silver tankard. Lady Charles Innes-Ker, hunting whip. Hon. Col. E. Boscawen, large mantel timepiece. Lord Cadogan, pair of silver candlesticks. Rev. J.B. de la Bere, rectory of Prestbury, photograph of Prestbury Church. Rev. T.R. Govett, vicar of All Saints�, books, 6 vols., including Bible and Prayer Book. Rev. R.J. and Mrs Corke, biscuit box. Mr John Dawson (father of the bride), chaste gold and silver fruit and flower epergne, with plateau. Mrs John Dawson (mother of the bride), linen and family Bible. Mr George Dawson (brother of the bride), paintings on china, by C.H. Fuehr, in plush frames. Mr John Dawson (brother of the bride), shield, with representation in silver of "Paradise Lost," mounted in velvet. Miss Annie B. Dawson (sister of the bride), large oil painting of Christ Church, near Winchester, the work of the donor. Mr W. Archer (father of the bridegroom), oil painting of himself and horse, Thorgenti. Mrs Colman (sister of the bridegroom), bronzed ink and pen stand, with medallions. Mr and Mrs C. Archer (brother and sister-in-law of the bridegroom), china breakfast and tea service. Mr Matthew Dawson (uncle of the bride), silver salver, very ancient piece of plate. Mrs Matthew Dawson (aunt of the bride), toilet service, two satin handkerchief sachets, pair of Dresden china ornaments, and ornaments for writing table. Mrs Joseph Dawson (aunt), two large volumes of Shakespeare. Mrs Lye (aunt), an antimacassar. Mrs Handley (aunt), Scotch brooch. Mrs Currie (aunt), pair of ancient glass vases. Mrs Weatherspoon (aunt), fancy work. The Misses Kirkwood, cushion and fancy work. Mrs Cartwright (aunt), fancy work in pink satin. Miss Tait, glove case and purse. Miss Kirkwood, tea cosy. Mr and Mrs King, carriage clock. Mr and Mrs Chennell, china dish. Mr and Mrs Mills, two china ornaments and clock. Mr and Mrs Bridge, fire screen. Miss Chennell, handkerchief case. Mr J. Cannon, silver inkstand. Mr J.H. Smith, hand-painted d�oyleys. Mr Robertson, cutlery. Mr and Mrs Gardner, liqueur case. Mr A. Hogg, large and comprehensive gilt-edged edition of Phillips� atlas. Mr W. Rogers, claret jug and silver-mounted cups. Mr and Mrs Cheyne, pair of vases. Miss Chandler, china rose dish. Mr W. Barrow, senr., brooch (pears and gold). Mr and Mrs John Porter, card tray and clock. Mr F. Jennings, junr., china jug and stand. Mr Paroncoll, china card dish. Mr Sargent, butter dish. Mr and Mrs Webb, gold-mounted claret jug. Mr E.W. Swann, biscuit basket. Mr Maxey, stereoscope and views. Mr S.F. Petrie, picture of a horse, 55 years old, still alive and well. Mr Smith, salad dish. Mr J. Davis, brougham and horse. Mr J. Hughes, flowers for conservatory. Mrs Willins, painting of herself. Mrs A. Cooper, diamond bracelet. Mr Watson, lace curtains. Mr A. Cooper, dog cart. Stranger, large table cloth. Mr Clayton, Indian vases and tray. Mr J. Cann, picture, "Lady Godiva." Stranger, stag�s head. Mr C. Blanton, small cart. Miss A. Cooper, pair of hand fire screens. Miss Barrow, two antimacassars. The Misses Daley, cushion. Mrs Bryant, cloak. The Misses Manning, work table. The Misses Saunders, five o�clock tea service. Mr Culleton, writing paper, stamped from die. Mr Walford, silver tea service. Miss Wright, blotting book. Mr Wilson, book. Mrs and Mrs Best, silver fish knives and forks. Mr and Mrs Davis, silver salad dish. Miss and Master Briggs, two vases. Mrs Mackey, a hand painted screen. Mr Costella, hunting sable cloth. Mrs Wood, inkstand. Mr E. Wright, pair of silver dessert spoons. Mr D. Gilbert, hunting whip. Mr Wilson, Dresden china cups and saucers. Mr B. Ellam, hunting saddle. The Misses Waugh, two very handsome crewel-worked cushions. Stranger, dinner service. Mr Wheeler, inkstand, studded with agates. Mr S. Jacobs, bronze clock of elaborate design in glass case. Mr W.C. Manning, silver model weighing chair and scales designed for the Calcutta Turf Club, on ebony stand. Mr Nichols, flowers. Master C. Arbuthnott, walking stick. Mr F. Taylor, champagne service. Messrs. F. and G. Vines, gilt timepiece and vases. Mr R. Waugh, bootjack. Mr W. Smith, silver soup tureen and salad bowl. Mr T. Jennings, junr., hand-painted Viennese rosewater jug and ewer. Mr John Rae, silver sugar tray. Mr Wilson, chased silver claret or champagne cup on ebony stand. Mr Wright, splendid bouquet with surrounding of Point d�Alencon lace. Mr T.A. Husband, china jug, salad bowl, knife and fork. Mr J. Matthews, clock and two ornaments. Misses Rose and Aggie Saunders, green and gold tea service. Mr and Mrs Marsh, black marble clock. Mr Newton, black marble chess table. Mrs Moir, a cage of living turtle doves. Warren House servants, a silver egg stand. Clerk at Heath House, inkstand on brass mounting. Boys at Heath House, barometer. The presents were tastefully arranged by Mr A.S. Wigg, jeweller, of High-street, under whose care they remained during the time relatives and friends were afforded a view of the almost regal display. The Celebrations On "The Severals." The roasting whole of the prize bullock presented by Lord Hastings to Mr F. Archer, had an interest for the general public very little inferior to that taken in the wedding it celebrated, and the firstly, secondly, and thirdly of the programme, its arrival on Friday evening, slaughter on Saturday afternoon, and cooking on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, were watched with a feverish excitement which found vent on Wednesday when the final scene in its eventful history was played out upon "the Severals." From the outset the bullock was evidently destined for a chequered career, as immediately it was unboxed on its arrival on Friday evening, it escaped from the charge of its keeper, Mr W. Craske, who has been with Lord Hastings as feeder for a period extending over twenty years, and took "a constitutional" upon the Heath. Without much difficulty it was recaptured, however, and taken to its quarters at Mr Mayhew�s Waggon and Horses Hotel, where "finis" was written to its career on the following (Saturday) afternoon. For reasons, doubtless familiar to the initiated, the animal was shot, and not slaughtered in the ordinary butcher fashion. On Monday the Warwick "roasters," Mr Joseph Austin and his assistants, were actively engaged in getting their "joint" upon the spit. The cooking apparatus was found to be of a very simple but effective nature, the carcase being strongly braced upon a thick scaffold pole, at each of which a wheel, turned by manual labour, was attached, the very ordinary contrivance working round on a pair of trestles, the dripping being caught in a couple of huge trays and baled over the beast again as it roasted. At the request, it is said, of Mr F. Archer himself, the hoofs and skin of the prize beast were handed over to Mr W. Howlett, the well-known taxidermist, of High-street, who is entrusted with the manufacture of the former into snuff-boxes and inkstands, and the dressing of the latter as another souvenir of the novel and memorable event. On Tuesday, market-day, the stable at the Waggon and Horses in which the slaughtered animal lay, was besieged by hosts of townspeople and villagers, who, for all the world like pilgrims paying their devotions at the shrine of some illustrious saint, kept up a continuous stream of visitations to where the hero of the coming celebration was "lying in state," until nightfall. Meanwhile preparations had been going on upon "the Severals" for the unexampled (in Newmarket) cooking feat. Mr R. Kent had raised a brick wall of some six feet in height with side walls of the same material, and in front of this, facing the High-street, Mr Austin erected his fireplace and cooking apparatus, an enclosure of some thirty or forty feet square being railed off around it. The inauspicious weather of Monday and Tuesday last had somewhat retarded the progress of the arrangements for the roasting, and it was not until ten o�clock that the fire was got up to "cooking heat," and some time later before the bullock was placed in front and dressing operations fairly commenced. Almost before the dawn of Wednesday morning, eager visitors, whose slumbers, to all appearances, had been disturbed by a form of disease yet unknown in the doctor�s vocabulary, and the symptoms of which may best be described by the suggestive term, "bullock on the brain," made their way to the "Severals" and found the bullock fairly under weigh. The outer portion of the carcase was fairly well dressed at eight, and from that hour up to the conclusion of the nuptial ceremony, when the bells of All Saints� struck up a merry peal, - the signal for the commencement of the distribution, - operations were confined to giving the meat a warming through. Merry-go-rounds, high-flyers, and shooting galleries were by this time driving a lucrative business, in close proximity to the committee tent, which abutted on the enclosure around the scene of the roasting, and the crowd which had been witnessing what could be seen of the wedding on the outside of the Church, now transferring its attention to the celebration on "the Severals," made the latter the centre of a scene of the liveliest description. Immediately the wedding bells rung out their joyful tale, Mr T. Clark, addressing the company assembled in the committee tent, proposed, in felicitous terms, "the health of Mr and Mrs Archer," which, it is needless to add, was received with loud and prolonged cheers. There was a tremendous rush for the first loaf, the first piece of beef, and the first pint of beer, and those in authority in the several departments "had," in every day language, "their work cut out," to maintain a steady distribution of the precious beef, bread and beer. Unfortunately, when the greater proportion of the ticket-holders had received their doles, through some jealousy on the part of stable-lads who had been kept out of a share of the general enjoyment, the subsequent proceedings were taken out of the hands of the responsible managers, and a scene of indescribable confusion ensued, which sadly marred what would, unquestionably, have proved a memorable celebration of a memorable event. The All Saints� fife and drum band, under the direction of Mr T.J. Moakson, discoursed a selection of enlivening music in the early hours of the afternoon. An ascent of balloons, including aerial representations of "Archer up" on Dutch Oven and Beau Brummel, was a very satisfactory feature of the afternoon�s proceedings, and the display of fireworks, brilliant in design and execution as it proved, to the enjoyment of an immense crowd of sightseers, gave a fitting conclusion to a remarkable day. Innumerable rockets, an endless variety of blue and green lights, wheel rockets, and two splendid set pieces, a very life-like pyrotechnic illustration of "Archer up," and the final piece, setting forth the universal wish, "May they be happy," composing a very excellent display. The committee, with whom the management of the celebration lay, consisted of Messrs. John Rae (unfortunately prevented by severe illness from taking an active part), A.L. Ruse, T. Jennings, senr. and junr., John Hammond, G.F. Peck, P. Price, W. Arnull, senr., G. Simpson, and W.S. Heavens. Mr J. Lancaster, of the Black Bear Hotel, catered for the festivities. |
Archer, Frederick - Wedding - 1883
- Details
- Written by: Nathan Zipfel
- Category: Ancestors